Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More Information...

Current song- When God Ran

Current mood- happy I was able to help a friend

Twenty five things about me you probably didn't know about me...

1.) I prefer to drive in the middle lane. The other two make me nervous.

2.) I cannot stand to have my fingernails painted because I cannot see the dirt that is building underneath.

3. )I cannot stand not to have my toenails not painted especially if I'm going wear flip flops or

something that will show my toes.

4.) I've only been kissed once, still not exactly thrilled about it.

5.) The thing I hate about mornings is getting out of bed, but once I have ate breakfast the crankiness wears off.

6.) I had all together seven teeth pulled in my life.

7.) I love the feeling of holding a child as they sit on my hip.

8.) I have a hard time telling people no.

9.) It's easy for me to tell someone all my deepest darkest secrets but I cannot tell them how they have hurt me. I go absolutely speechless trying to form the words.

10.) People with strong personalities lead me to feel very small and to hide in my shell.

11.) I am very comfortable with children, it's one of the few things in my life I feel absolutely confident about.

12.) I get to0 attached too fast.

13.) When I get into something, I jump in with both feet not bothering to see what the water feels like. This leads to some success but most the time some painful failure.

14.) I can crack several of my joints- knuckles, arms, neck, back, legs, ankles, and toes.

15.) I try praying for my future husband at least once a week and I write him letters.

16.) I played Mary for a Christmas concert once.

17.) My mom accidently ran over my foot one Sunday afternoon. This has lead me to be kind of skittish around cars.

18.) Bugs don't really bother me...but ceni and millipedes make me cringe.

19.) I cannot stand the idea of a hurting child or someone touching a child negetively.

20.) I have double jointed arms that I didn't realize I had till my freshman year when I was leaning on my desk funny and someone pointed it out.

21.) Hardest thing I have ever had to do was walk on the bus leaving two crying native children behind not knowing if I ever will see them again.

22.) When I was in seventh grade I recieved a forward email telling the story of a girl my age with cancer wanting to have the record for most cards, so I had all my school make her cards and sent them off to her to find out it wasn't true (the cards part).

23.) I love anything pasta like.

24.) I had a learning disablity that held me back through out school.

25.) There are several things with my right side of my body I can do that my left side cannot. (example- winking)

Are you not just thrilled you know all that now? : )

Monday, July 13, 2009

Get to Know me

ABC About You Questions:

A - AVAILABLE: I am but I'm enjoying my singleness
B - BIRTHDAY: January 17, 1989
C - CRUSHING ON: a new friend
H - HOMETOWN: Eastpointe
IN LOVE WITH: God...author of the best love story of all time
J - JUGGLE: Only if there are two objects
K-KILLED SOMEONE: Not yet...one of these days...jk
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: ride home from TLC 16 hours on a bus in August with pnemonia ...blahhhh
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: one, my sweet baby girl
O - ONE WISH: salavation for the world
Q- QUICKIE: not sure what it means
R- REASON TO SMILE: see answer I
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Like a Man Possessed
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 7:45am I got to sleep in : )
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: purple with different poka dots
V - VEGETABLE(S): umm..yummy, is that what youre looking for?
W - WORST HABIT: noise my mouth makes when I'm concentrating
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: three ct scans, one MRI, two chest, one neck, many for braces and wisdom teeth...gosh I hope thats it.
Y – YOYOS ARE: Cool stuff i cant do

Random Questions About You:

Spell your name without vowels: Rchl Mn
Your favorite number: 17
What color do you wear most?: brown maybe?
Least favorite color?: like them all really
What are you listening to?: Ludovico Einaudi's Primvera (beautiful song)
Are you happy with your life right now?: I reallllyyyy am actually
What is your favorite class in school?: i love them all now that I arrived in my program
When do you start back at school/college?: Beginning of September
Are you outgoing?: for the most part, if Im with someone with a strong personality is around I tend to be reserved.
Favorite pair of shoes?: right now, flip flops that coordinate with my outfit
Where do you wish you were right now? Manitoulin Island
W Can you dance?: Ha...white and baptist make a lethal combination
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: No :(
Can you whistle?: not really
Write with both hands?: almost legibly
Cross your eyes?: only if i stare at my finger
Walk with your toes curled?: maybe


Do you believe there is life on other planets?: where all my brothers come from ; )
Do you believe in miracles?: mhmm, God working in cold resentful hearts
Do you believe in magic?: i guess so
Love at first sight?: interest at first sight
Do you believe in Satan?: oh yeah, big time enemy who has my name highlighted on his list trying to tear me down from this high
Do you believe in Santa?: never did
Do you know how to swim?: Yes,
Do you like roller coasters?: =I always get sick...I could only go on the Iron Dragon and even that my breakfast ended up on my lap.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: It always looks so good.


Have you ever been on a plane?: Many many times...most were not pleasant experiences
Have you ever asked someone out?: not to my knowledge
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: once or twice...I think
Have you ever been to the ocean? mhmm...I even swam in the Carribean
Have you ever painted your nails?: yeppers...cannot stand to have my finger nails but my toe nails


What is the temperature outside?: according to yahoo...its 73
What radio station do you listen to: usaully 9.63
What was the last restaurant you ate: McDonalds
What was the last thing you bought?: scrapbook stuff..hehehee
was the last thing on TV you watched?: my work on the news


Who was the last person you IM'd?: Can't remember
Who was the last person you took a picture of: I took 1,500 pictures last week...who was the last one to get a picture...Josh, maybe?
Who was the last person you said I love you to? mommy.


Are you a happy person?: for the most part
What can make you happy?: God and His faithfullness
Do you wish you were happier?: Im pretty estatic right now
Can music make you happy?: If its a beautiful instrumental piece with strings and piano


How many times have you had your heart broken?: I lost count unfortunetely
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: I love the people in my life


What is your current hair color?: brown
Current piercings?: earrings
Eye color?: Blue ocean eyes any guy can get lost in


Been to jail: nope
Mooned someone: cant say I have
Ran away from home: I remember wanting to as a teenager...ughhh stupid kids
Laughed so hard you cried: defintely too many times
Cried in school: yeahhhh
Thrown up in a store- silly worse fear- throwing up or choking in public
Wanted to be a model: when i was kid I did a model audition
Cheated on someone: alledgely I tried too...but no
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: im constantly laughin at myself
Seen a dead body: still have nightmares a year later

McDonald's or Burger King: MCDonalds
Single or Group Dates: Both are fun in different aspects
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
Meat or Veggies: Meat.
TV or Movie: movies
Guitar or Drums?: guatair
Chinese or Mexican: Mexican
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: neither.
Cake or Pie: Cake either one
MTV or VH1: dont care.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


So I lied...I do not have the flu. I have a sinus infection and acute (nothing cute about it) bronchitis. Funny thing all the problems fell on my right side. My right ear has fluid built in it, my right lung has the bronchitis, right nostril is plugged up, and my right side of my top lip started swell up. I went to a small clinic yesterday to figure out why my fever would not go down after four days. The friendly doctor took a long look at me, hour and a half to be exact, and found out the cause of all the joy I have experienced in the last almost week. Just to warn you, if you do not like the idea of things up your nose never allow yourself to get tested for the flu. Ughhhh.

I have a graduation party to attend tonight. I would consider not going at all, but my initial plans would have not let me. The graduate was bummed. Then I found out I could go and she gave me the biggest hug ever and couldn't stop smiling. Now, I cannot simply subject my friend to greater disappointment by not showing up. I may go for a little while as long as my energy permits me to show my face and support.

Tomorrow as far as church is concerned, I'm not sure if I'll be able to go. This bums me out because I love Sundays. Catch up on everyone's lives while joining in fellowship and gaining much needed encouragement from worship as well as spiritual smacks in the face from Pastor Bob. However, due to my sickness would it be very kind to share the lovely germs that I should be hogging to myself? I suppose I could not asschiote with the older crowd or the kids for fear their weaken immune syestems could come crashing down upon talking to me. But that's half the people I seek out on any given Sunday. Oh the turmoil! Haha...

I may just to stay home during church and then suddenly rise like the sun in time for our first VBX meeting and then another missions trip meeting. I feel so official, I have like four meetings in the next week with church. We'll see...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Everything stops

Everything came to a screeching halt early yesterday morning when I was slapped with the flu. I woke up at 2 in the morning and found it impossible to fall back asleep being I could not breathe out of my nose (which I hate, absolutely hate when I have to open my mouth to breathe) so I got out of of bed and watched television until 6:30. Then like a little child, I crawled into bed with my mommy and complained of my aliments. We figured my allergies were acting up so she got up and got some benadryl for me. By the time she came back, I was fast asleep.

After waking up and eating lunch is when I was offically smacked with the flu. I became achey. I was shivering even though I had six blankets ontop of me but yet I had a 102 degree fever. I fell asleep on the couch about six times during the day and really couldn't muster much strength to do anything else. I had class and work yesterday but it seemed physically impossible to get up and go to get something out of the kitchen, I couldn't imagine driving, sitting through a four hour class, and chasing sixty children.

Today, I feel much better. Now let me define better- no chills and fever has gone down a bit, but I'm still completely exhausted, still got a nagging cough, and nose is still stuffed up but I can breathe out of it! My ears are starting to give me problems, so the worst of it is still to come.
I will say this though, it worked out really well that I got sick this week. I was supposed to being working at a conference this week, starting tomorrow till about Sunday. I asked for the days off at work and used my last vacation days that I needed to use up before the end of the month. Well, my school schedule would not allow me to have to particpate in the conference but my boss gave me the days off already so I figured I would use the days to study and to do other productive things. However, I still had sick days to use and I wasn't about to make up being sick to use them so I waited for a legit reason to call in. Yesterday and today are my days that I consider legit sick days. So I get the whole week off to recover. Hopefully though, I can push past exhaustion and get some stuff done.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Current music playing- Opening instrumental sequence for Unbreakable : )
Current mood- content in all facets
Current word- Disquieted (sometimes when I hear a word, it will ring in my head over and over until I find the definition of it)

As you can easily see, it has been a few days or more since I have updated this bad boy. Life has been a whirlwind of busyness for the last few weeks. I cannot even attempt to capture everything that has happened. Nothing bad I do assure you however, no news is good news. So much has happened since Good Friday and it would be torture for me to tell you of everything so I will have you look forward with me.

This summer is going to be one of my busiest summers of my life. I will be working, hopefully two jobs- one at the daycare and I am looking for a part time nanny position. (I know, working with more kids, what can I say? I love them) I do not have a lot of hours at the daycare right now and as much as I wish it wouldn't be a problem, I need a new car and I am taking part of a missions trip in a little over a month.

This missions trip is to Manitoulin Island (across the lake at the Sleeping Bear Dunes) in Canada to put on a VBS for an Indian tribe. I am not going to lie, I am absolutely thrilled about this trip. We will be, you'll never guess, working with kids....oh the shock of such an omission! I have been wanting to go on a missions trip since I left Jamiaca back in my graduating year of 2007! This trip has been such a God thing and I cannot wait to go on it! Right now I am preparing for it by being the group secterary, which I truly love. One of my weirdest nerd qualities is I love taking on the role of secterary. I love making copies, organizing papers, and taking notes...all that stuff!

Leading up the trip I am taking two classes- Nutrition (Tuesdays / Thursdays 8:00am-11:55am) and Sociology (Mondays / Wednesdays 12:30-4:00) starting tomorrow. I am truly excited honestly, I did some research on my professors and they had phenemonal reviews. Annndd maybe to have a right to complain and reason to get another job, I found out I will be travelling something like 200 miles for class for the next months. Yay. Especially with this gas prices our president of change increased...by change maybe he's hoping will trade in our cars for tennis shoes since soon we will be walking everywhere. Haha. Small minor rant. ; ) The nice thing is the classes end two days before the trip and everything else that I have going on this summer.

I am of course working in VBS as well. For the sencond year I will be serving in VBX, the ministry for upcoming sixth graders. We have a stellar team that I am so excited to work along side with. Along with talking about VBX, this summer I have been asked to start teaching in Ignite on Wednesday nights. I have taken the awesome responsiblity and I start next week. Amazingly enough this Last minute Lucy who writes this blog has already written a rough outline of her lesson which is The Great Commission. Ohh...I gotta come up with a title. The Great Commission not for the fainthearted. Haha...we'll see!

There's more this summer will be filled with but I should go now. Currently I am housesitting and I should do some cleaning. Last night I had some friends over (with the permission of the owners) and we had a M. Night Shymalan marathon. The dead people, unbreakable heros, the creepy aliens, those we don't speak of but tend to speak of a lot, and the pale water lady all lasted us till about five o'clock this morning. It seemed we had a competition who's energy could go all night. Yours truly just started to fade at like three in the morning in the middle of Lady In The Water. Someone had asked if I was sleeping, I replied no but dozed off shortly after for a sencond. Ben holds the award for staying wide awake the entire time however, he cheated. His job during the winter entails him to be awake midnight through early the next morning. If it probably would have not been Sunday night, I could have done it without so much a blink. ; )

Friday, April 10, 2009

His Pain, My Gain

His Pain, My Gain

He cried

looking upward

no one replied

no one heard

His crying out

all this blood shed

this is what love is about

soon to be lead

to Satan's domain

where all souls found dead

but the Father's reign

strong and overpowering

roaring like a train

has Satan cowering

fearing judgement day

but we will not

it does not bring dismay

since our souls no longer rot

instead we will live

and forever praise

our lives we give

but a thankful song we raise

for here is the King

sit on bended knee

come let us sing

for He died for you and me

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Survey Says

You want to learn more about Rachel? Well here you go. Here's a random survey I found...

1. Where did you take your profile pic? Germany overlooking a thousand year old city!

2. What exactly are you wearing right now? jeans and grey long sleeved shirt

3. What is your current problem? I need to take a shower, I smell funny ; ) but something's wrong with a water

4. What makes you happy most? mom always says in regards to me "its the little things in life that make Rachel happy." The best thing is having God in my life : )

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to? The True Art of Music by Thomas Newman...I am instrumental nut!

So...theres a few firetrucks down the block from my house and I am wanting to go check it out, I'm a naturally curious person as it is, especially after the suicide.

6. Any celeb you would marry? if Chad Michael Murray became a hard core christian, I would definitely consider him...but until then, no thank you ; )

7. Name someone with the same birthday as you? well, James Earl Jones, Jim Carrey, Kid Rock, Maury (blah, get another birthday) Muhammad Ali. (not to brag or anything) My adopted grandpa, Denise (one of my moms friends from high school)

8. Ever sang in front of a large audience? many concerts

9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? I was told I look like someone...but I can't remember who. My best friends used to say I looked like Princess Leia to get me to watch Star Wars. Ummm nice try...but I did fall in love with movies.

10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? I am with children all the time so I "have" to watch them.

11. Do you speak any languages?English and my own ramble

12. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? my grandpa, he was my first best friend and father like figure, I still miss him!

13.Do you ever watch MTV? when I am really bored (hardly ever) I'll watch Punk'd

14. What's something that really annoys you? Messy handwriting when Im taking notes for class!

Chapter 1:===============

1. Middle name: Louise

2. Nickname(s): Rach, Rae, Rachie (need to obtain special permission to call me that), Rae Moe, Lou, Bums of Steel, Rocky, Mo-Mo, Sarah's big sister, Shoot and Scoot, (dads are mean sometimes) The Truncate One, Kalina (means sky princess in Aramaic), Scout, Annabelle, Moeses, tons more...

3. Current location: couch in living room

4. Eye color: ocean blue eyes any guy can get lost in hahaha...

Chapter 2:===============

1. Do you get along with your parent(s): We get along great...for the most part, every once awhile we will butt heads because I can be unfortunately very difficult and stubborn

2.Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Married for nineteen beautiful years

3. Do you have any Siblings?: one lovely little sister Sarah (13 going on 14)

Chapter 3: Favourites===============

1. Ice Cream: my own Cold Stone creation- vanilla icecream with oreos and caramel

2. Season: spring

3. Shampoo/conditioner? Herbal Essence- Long Term Relationship for long hair

Chapter 4: Do You..===============

1. Dance in the shower? somehow I think that would end badly

2. Do you write on your hand? I was never allowed too so I stay away from it

3. Call people back? I'm pretty good at it...depends who it is ; )

4. Believe in love? I think I was in love with the idea of being in love

5. Ever talk to yourself? Ha...everyday...and I even argue

6. Any bad habits? time waste

7. Any mental health issues? say what you will...but Im fine according to my psychiatrist ; )

Chapter 5: Have You..===============

1. Broken a bone? surprisingly...no

2. Sprained stuff? my ankles

3. Had physical therapy? yeppers...painful stuff getting your vertrbrae in your neck to move

4. Gotten stitches? tough mainly voice "Who needs stitches anyway" nope

5. Taken painkillers? Yeppers...

6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling?No, but it would be awesome

7. Been stung by a bee? many many times

8. Thrown up at the dentist? not that I can recall, wouldnt be surprised though to find out

9. Sworn in front of your parents? haha first time I swore I said to my dad "Dad, open the 'Dang' door now" in third grade.

10. Had detention ? nope, all through out school career. The worse I got was screamed at but she later apologized because she thought it was me who was talking.

11. Been called a hoe?:
Mr. Jones: "What do you do when your wife wont listen to you"
Evan: "I'd slap the hoe"
Mr. Jones: "Now that your best friends with every girl in the class Evan, lets move on"

Chapter 6: Who/What was the last===============

1. Movie(s)? A Long Kiss Goodnight - pretty interesting

2. Three people to text you? Techincally I cant text but people keep texting me- Jenn Duff, Ben, and Macey

3. Person you called? Jenn Duffaroo : )

4. Person you hugged? my daddy : )

5. Person you tackled: an attempted failure on my dad

6. Person you talked to on IM? I havent signed on in awhile...i dont remember

7. Thing you touched? reese wrapper

8. Thing you ate? freshiest reeses ever

9. Thing you drank? in the process of finishing a Tropicana Strawberry Melon drink, I can just feel the sugar go right to my teeth

10. Thing you said? "Goodnight and Love you."